Purchase IoT Basic


IoT Basic comes in various versions.

You can choose between the Starter, the Standard, or the Advanced version.

You can also order a custom version which you can modify according to your requirements. 


Here is the detailed breakdown of the IoT versions. 



– Project source as KiCad files;

– Schematic and PCB layout in PDF;

– SMT and THT assembly drawing;

– Gerber files for PCB production.



– everything that is in Starter;

– Pick&place files for SMT machine programming;

– Single board mechanical drawing for a mechanical designer;

– Source code examples connecting to AWS, ThingsBoard or Kaa IoT.



– everything that is Standard;

– Panel mechanical drawing (optional).



– a bespoke solution tailored to the client’s needs;

– offers all of the aforementioned options.

You can purchase our product by clicking on the link below.

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